What are eVTOLS?

10 mins

eVTOL is short for ‘electric vertical take-off and landing,’ and it refers to a ...


eVTOL is short for ‘electric vertical take-off and landing,’ and it refers to a type of aircraft that was first introduced in 2011. Among the first few prototypes, was the Volocopter VC1, characterised by its ability to lift off the ground vertically through electric propulsion. By incorporating a more sustainable type of powertrain into its design, eVTOLS seem to hold decisive advantages over its counterparts – planes and helicopters. They often have a very low noise profile, and always are able to offer zero emission flights.

Aside from time travel, flying the one of the fastest and most practical modes of transport minimising travel time to date. However free of general topography planes may be, like most means of mobility, it also comes with major disadvantages. The combustion of kerosene is known to cause huge amounts of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides to be released into the air. eVOTLs perhaps present an elegant solution.

The VoloCity, for example, combines sustainability, safety, low noise pollution, and a low-maintenance infrastructure. Moreover, it takes up little space, 17x17 metres to be exact, and does not require the need for runways or landing strips.

Volocopter is a company specialising in the development, production and operation of eVTOLs in multiple practices: including passenger transport (VoloCity), cargo (VoloDrone), and its corresponding infrastructure (VoloPort).

Their aim is to help alleviate congested ground routes whilst providing a direct aerial path for consumers to their destination.

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