Celebrating 10 years with Mane - Steve McCarney!
30 Sept, 202010 minsSteve joined Mane back in September 2010. A whole decade ago! Steve first joined us as a Re...

Steve joined Mane back in September 2010. A whole decade ago!
Steve first joined us as a Recruitment Consultant and has since worked his way up to being our Global Aerospace Account Manager. Steve has been a pleasure to work with over the years, always putting in 100% in all the work he does. We’re delighted to be celebrating Steve’s 10 year work anniversary and we look forward to working with him for many more years to come!
A few words from Steve on reaching his 10 year anniversary:
“I celebrate 10 years at MANE this month, that’s quite a long time in this game! It has been an amazing journey thus far, where I have had the opportunity to travel around the UK, Europe, America and the Philippines amongst other places. I have seen MANE evolve over the years and I am very proud and grateful to be working at MANE and my achievements over the years. I have built some very close and strong relationships with work colleagues at all levels (including those who have moved on) along with clients and contractors in this time and there has never been a dull day since I started back in 2010! Times have been difficult for us all of late and the Aerospace industry like so many others has been hit very hard. I have had to evolve and embrace change, which I have found difficult at times, but as always will give it my best and the support from MANE along with family and friends has been in invaluable. I am blessed to have an amazing wife and 3 beautiful daughters to keep me on track too!!
Most importantly for me, in any walk of life, you should treat others the way you want to be treated yourself. Enjoy life, try and bring a bit of joy to someone, somewhere every day and don’t take life or yourself too seriously!
Here’s to another chapter at MANE!!!”
A few words about Steve from his colleagues:
“I have worked with Steve for just under 3 years now and he is the most positive person here at Mane. His passion and desire towards his job is just amazing. He keeps you smiling on your bad/stressful days, gives the best hugs and always has the best advice. You can see everyone loves Steve, not just in the office but his candidates and clients as well.”
Jade Horne - Automotive Recruitment Consultant
“Steve has been an absolute pleasure to work with (and socialise with), he’s one of the nicest most genuine people I know. Recruitment is tough and even tougher at the moment so having someone like Steve to work with is like an injection of positivity into my day, and that’s saying something! Steve has always got a smile and a cheeky comment to share and I can say wholeheartedly that he’s made my last 4 years more enjoyable. If you haven’t got a Steve at your work then good luck finding one, they are few and far between. Oh and he’s also bloody good at what he does. Here’s to the next chapter mate and making lemonade.”
Gordon Waddell – Head of Permanent
“I have worked on the same team as Steve for nearly 2 years now and I can’t honestly think of a time I’ve walked into the office and he’s been in a bad mood. Whether it’s been during the current pandemic or he’s had a 3 hr commute he’s always looked for a positive. Steve’s dedication to ensuring his contracts and clients’ needs are met is one of many reasons why he is very good at what he does (I don’t think I’ve met someone with over 10,000 contacts in their mobile). Steve always try’s his best to help wherever he can (just don’t ask him about technology) and is always one of the first to congratulate anybody on something positive whether that be a deal, signed terms or just a very productive/positive sales or candidate call. Congrats on reaching 10 years Steve it hasn’t aged you one bit…”
Layne Eadie – Defence Recruitment Consultant
“Steve is a Legend! He is part of the DNA here at MANE. Over the 10 years that Steve has been here he has established himself as one of our highest performing employees. Steve is a good friend as well as a fantastic colleague, his clients and contractors also love Steve. It is a pleasure to work with you Steve’O, here’s to another 10 years at MANE and your role and career continuing to evolve.”
Andy Pearson – Divisional Director
“Steve is a valued and trusted employee. His passion for what he does is evident in his success over the last 10 years and the internal and external relationships he has developed. It is very rare to see Steve without a smile on his face, he is a family man and he is an integral part of the MANE family.”
Gary Shayler - CEO
From all of us at Mane, congratulations on your 10 years Steve, we’re lucky to have you!